Myriad development in Malaysia results a huge jump in property price especially for new houses!wawawawaa!!hot topic ha!
well today (saturday-230411) i've been tagging ibu and abah along to look some houses around the nilai-bangi-kajang area.the only place with affordable prices to buy a house!so we went 1st to Bangi!aroung 1 hour and so from gombak or maybe less from Taman Tun!so its considered ok..
so the 1st we've visited was the Bangi heights semi-D or Clustered house(quite similar to semi-d) with around RM809,00.00 conner lot! ibu kind of love it!the space for garden is huge enough for any event so ibu loves it!but the size is quite similar with our home here in TTDI but double story.(so to move there maybe doesn't make much different)!the only conner lot available.Houses are like hot fries now or maybe hot pisang goreng!its not that cheap but people are buying as if they are giving it for free! the next phrase will be millions so ibu was thinking of buying 1 now and sell back to us later!ahahahha! but its true!!we wont be able/we cant afford to buy any house later when the price jump to millions !!our basic salary will start only for like 3000?and house price is 1 million?!!unless if u want to stay in a small apartment(still with maintainence cost each month) that will be around 400000..(away from KL)! so why move to a smaller house?
So next!is the same area but they sell the land!its a bunglow area!quite huge!but only the land!good scenery and have nice ventilation!but have of it is on slop!i can do the design work but slop!!and the soil type!i think will need to have a further consultants and to build it will cost much more than to just buy a ready house!kan?the size of land is 11000 and will cost around 500,000..!
so we look for another available option!NILAI!10 min from Bangi!! the drawback of this areas are for the surrounding facilities!no transport(public) and no enterterinment!! only like tesco and giant (10 min distance)!!Thats not even a place where u can hangout or window shopping!!ok!put that aside.
Nilai Banglow with swimming pool!(we dont want the swimmingpool!) with bigger land 12000..(tadi 11000) beautiful design and huge area!) cost only 1.1 million!
Gambar atas tu yang diambil waktu launching..2nd day semua hot bunglow da habis:((
which will be almost the same if you buy your own land and build it!so ibu was like buy it!!BUY IT!!only a few lot left!but abah didn't want to because if abah took the loan(able to take up to 90% load for his 1st house),he will need to pay RM 5000 monthly..he thinks he cant afford to!)so ibu explain!
ibu explain!when any body buy a house!they should never pay by cash!!the interest will be only 3.5-4% when you may get more in ASB!usually up to some trick around!and pay with that devident!or maybe he will nly have to add on a thousand a month..but if we didnt, house price will jump higher and higher every time!!so they argue that is how we end up the day looking for a new house for the family!a whole tiring day!will try to add pictures later!!still not used to iphone!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
When you get your self devoted to architecture
its holiday for me here but i'm practically caging my self in my room doing some office work!i guess i'll need to get my self a soho to work in oneday!well..its my 1st time working but its hopelessly changing my life style.It makes me feel like working harder(well i dont usually work hard before) can i say i'm falling in love now?hmm..?
i think so?maybe~it feels like falling in love but with architecture?O.O! WOW!!thats new!
i'm hopelessly get my self devoted to it..i cant wait to go back home after hangouts just to do my work again and it feels like a marriage now..i'm so tied to it!!i know i'm not good in architecture but theres something in me telling me not to stop and never say never(wow...i'll be like the 2nd JB now..ahahha)...and its like giving birth to a baby..i cant wait to see these projects grow and get to be developed!wow wow wowwwww!!
this will be amusing! its funny when such a tiny project like this guard house(which i have to design) for this luxury residential development makes me feel just GREAT! doing it!(even when its a smallproject!)
i started to imagine how its gonna look like later when its built and how people will love it(hopefully!!) and when its rain and people will run to it to shade!uHHHH!!!i'm loving this feeling!so architecture!i'll be a better man just to be with u!!its fun to know you!
**These are some pics of the guard house illustration i've been working on for my practical with the use of skechup with some add on from Photoshop(which i'm new in and learning!) for my guard house which i've been working on these few days...its a modern design guard house..yup!thats it!
many more to learn!i hope to learn more and faster soon!
OH people!please tell me!does it look ok??HELP!
i think so?maybe~it feels like falling in love but with architecture?O.O! WOW!!thats new!
i'm hopelessly get my self devoted to it..i cant wait to go back home after hangouts just to do my work again and it feels like a marriage now..i'm so tied to it!!i know i'm not good in architecture but theres something in me telling me not to stop and never say never(wow...i'll be like the 2nd JB now..ahahha)...and its like giving birth to a baby..i cant wait to see these projects grow and get to be developed!wow wow wowwwww!!
this will be amusing! its funny when such a tiny project like this guard house(which i have to design) for this luxury residential development makes me feel just GREAT! doing it!(even when its a smallproject!)
i started to imagine how its gonna look like later when its built and how people will love it(hopefully!!) and when its rain and people will run to it to shade!uHHHH!!!i'm loving this feeling!so architecture!i'll be a better man just to be with u!!its fun to know you!
**These are some pics of the guard house illustration i've been working on for my practical with the use of skechup with some add on from Photoshop(which i'm new in and learning!) for my guard house which i've been working on these few days...its a modern design guard house..yup!thats it!
many more to learn!i hope to learn more and faster soon!
tampah muka pa..kikikiki..suke tak suke tak?ehehehehe!;)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
New to work.. my architecture practical
uh!finally i can save some time for my self now!!haha..HI!!its Thursday of 21st April and its my 4th day of practical! after all the heavy loads of the sem!right after my final exam!Puff!!here i am!!doing my practical in one of the well know architecture firm just next to my home!
same routine repetition for these 4 days remind me of school days especially when my mom still send me to work and pack some food for breakfast! no doubt,it was tiring! wake up early in the morning-work-came back and its already night-dinner-sleep-wakeup-work...a never ending story!!and now i sure do understand how tiring it was these whole time for my dad to peak me up from collage after work just because i feel like going back..thanks abaH!
SO!!my days during practical!
its in general a huge firm(for me) with more than 60 ppl!so practical we are not too busy and yes!no body stays up for any submission. in fact!as soon a the clock strike 6..the office will be empty!ahah!the office is divided in to 3 lvl with the lowest floor for trainee and draftsmen, 2nd floor for the technical team and the highest for the design team(OH!!wish i hope i'll be in) bu nah!i'm on the 2nd floor!So im new!so when i first practically i should be on the 1st floor but since theres no other empty table so i get a table on the 2nd floor!but still a yeay for me!!its super cool to be surrounded by great ,experienced ppl in these architecture!!feels like one of them though!
so my 1st work on my 1st day starts as soon as i came in!it was nice!there is these one nice architect doing a project on an exclusive semi-d development request me to desigh the main gate and a guard house.honestly, i was down and worried!down because i'm doing only a 3x 7meter guard house when my other friends are doing drawings for hospitals or other huge project and feeling even worse because i dont even know how to design a guard house!!what!?we never ever being though how to design that in school before!!and that totally corrupt my confident!!
but i was lucky to have him to teach me!yeah,,it should be a relax project to warm up my design mood actually..but since i was too worried i even take those work back home..!oh yes!it feels so much nicer doing these work at home than in the office(just the way i use to hate doing projects in studio before) the next day i consulted..we start a plan..building a 3d and work for the elevation..i say he is patient enough to teach me those.Talking back to my sister,now i realize how important that can be..a guard house,the main gate of an exclusive housing development will be significant enough to give people he overall impression of the development!and i was the one trusted to design that!wow!!now i feel great!!feeling like working even harder now!!
So today continue some work,make some minute for the previous meeting and should have join the technical meeting but agaiN!my down esteem attack me!i dare not join since my supervisor looks busy with it too(ahh..with his serious face!) i became job less!what am i suppose to write in my log book than!!a guard house design for a week??!ah!
so i keep on walking around asking for works while he is in the meeting hoping for some 3d works perhaps(which i really enjoy my self)and PAP!!i guy came and gave me this huge project he is appointed to ;a resort project..asking me to help the elevation of the resort!WHAT!!its just some elevation and its making me nervous again!and the work came like only half an hour before 6!but i was happy to be given a great trust anyway!so lets work harder for these coming days!!
same routine repetition for these 4 days remind me of school days especially when my mom still send me to work and pack some food for breakfast! no doubt,it was tiring! wake up early in the morning-work-came back and its already night-dinner-sleep-wakeup-work...a never ending story!!and now i sure do understand how tiring it was these whole time for my dad to peak me up from collage after work just because i feel like going back..thanks abaH!
SO!!my days during practical!
its in general a huge firm(for me) with more than 60 ppl!so practical we are not too busy and yes!no body stays up for any submission. in fact!as soon a the clock strike 6..the office will be empty!ahah!the office is divided in to 3 lvl with the lowest floor for trainee and draftsmen, 2nd floor for the technical team and the highest for the design team(OH!!wish i hope i'll be in) bu nah!i'm on the 2nd floor!So im new!so when i first practically i should be on the 1st floor but since theres no other empty table so i get a table on the 2nd floor!but still a yeay for me!!its super cool to be surrounded by great ,experienced ppl in these architecture!!feels like one of them though!
so my 1st work on my 1st day starts as soon as i came in!it was nice!there is these one nice architect doing a project on an exclusive semi-d development request me to desigh the main gate and a guard house.honestly, i was down and worried!down because i'm doing only a 3x 7meter guard house when my other friends are doing drawings for hospitals or other huge project and feeling even worse because i dont even know how to design a guard house!!what!?we never ever being though how to design that in school before!!and that totally corrupt my confident!!
but i was lucky to have him to teach me!yeah,,it should be a relax project to warm up my design mood actually..but since i was too worried i even take those work back home..!oh yes!it feels so much nicer doing these work at home than in the office(just the way i use to hate doing projects in studio before) the next day i consulted..we start a plan..building a 3d and work for the elevation..i say he is patient enough to teach me those.Talking back to my sister,now i realize how important that can be..a guard house,the main gate of an exclusive housing development will be significant enough to give people he overall impression of the development!and i was the one trusted to design that!wow!!now i feel great!!feeling like working even harder now!!
So today continue some work,make some minute for the previous meeting and should have join the technical meeting but agaiN!my down esteem attack me!i dare not join since my supervisor looks busy with it too(ahh..with his serious face!) i became job less!what am i suppose to write in my log book than!!a guard house design for a week??!ah!
so i keep on walking around asking for works while he is in the meeting hoping for some 3d works perhaps(which i really enjoy my self)and PAP!!i guy came and gave me this huge project he is appointed to ;a resort project..asking me to help the elevation of the resort!WHAT!!its just some elevation and its making me nervous again!and the work came like only half an hour before 6!but i was happy to be given a great trust anyway!so lets work harder for these coming days!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Make your self qualified!
ahahah!Idols and stars!! crazy of these people and bother to be apart of them. Make yourself qualified in a fast way! no debut needed!
WOW!well i would bet more than majority of fans dream of having a closer interaction with our stars!
i remember being together with my friends before when we were in high school. It was a very famous time of F4,meteor garden. most of us started to chose the one we love and suites us well..and when me coincidently liking the same feels so we start figuring out which out of those whom we really like ( as if we'll get them after we chose..hahaha).Later each of us simply googled and follows their up dates!For no strong reason, we even become worried when we knew that they were away older than us!(as if we'll be married or what ever..ahahha)..OH! we even have this tiny logbook to paste out their pictures that we cut out from any random magazine or news paper!
It was a silly nice memory together with our friends though.
It may look funny now,but i believe that a lot of people out there shares the same experience.But life simply become more interesting with these tiny things.loving people is such a wonderful experience even without them knowing it!Though most of us are all grown up now..even when we are now in universities,working or whatever, without any doubt, there are still some immature activities like this that we still do together.:)
So currently we learned how to impose pictures in photoshop!so some friends started editing pictures of some korean stars to be next to them!in deed it was an interesting activity that will keep you addicted! So some of us and me,get influenced!!nice one!we compose some random picture togather and begin to imagine and think of the possible story lines!aAHAHAH!this is something that every one should have learned!well..since we are new to it, the compositions may look funny some times!but doesn't matter as long as we are all entertained with it!
One of the 1st try we had!;)
Magazine covering 2pm and Lea Fidzriana .hehe.
A hindy movie called de dana dan:
My girl season 2:
WOW!well i would bet more than majority of fans dream of having a closer interaction with our stars!
i remember being together with my friends before when we were in high school. It was a very famous time of F4,meteor garden. most of us started to chose the one we love and suites us well..and when me coincidently liking the same feels so we start figuring out which out of those whom we really like ( as if we'll get them after we chose..hahaha).Later each of us simply googled and follows their up dates!For no strong reason, we even become worried when we knew that they were away older than us!(as if we'll be married or what ever..ahahha)..OH! we even have this tiny logbook to paste out their pictures that we cut out from any random magazine or news paper!
It was a silly nice memory together with our friends though.
It may look funny now,but i believe that a lot of people out there shares the same experience.But life simply become more interesting with these tiny things.loving people is such a wonderful experience even without them knowing it!Though most of us are all grown up now..even when we are now in universities,working or whatever, without any doubt, there are still some immature activities like this that we still do together.:)
So currently we learned how to impose pictures in photoshop!so some friends started editing pictures of some korean stars to be next to them!in deed it was an interesting activity that will keep you addicted! So some of us and me,get influenced!!nice one!we compose some random picture togather and begin to imagine and think of the possible story lines!aAHAHAH!this is something that every one should have learned!well..since we are new to it, the compositions may look funny some times!but doesn't matter as long as we are all entertained with it!
One of the 1st try we had!;)
Magazine covering 2pm and Lea Fidzriana .hehe.
A hindy movie called de dana dan:
My girl season 2:
De Dana Dan (hindi: दे दना दन) is a 2009 film directed by Priyadashan . The film has a huge star cast which includes Akshay Kumar and Lea Fidzriana Ghazalli in lead roles. It is the first Malaysian- Hindi colebration in movie
When Gong Chan (Lee Dong Wook), the only descendent of the leading Korean company happen to fail in his first love and decided to give up falling in love with any Chinese look(sepet) girl anymore. To heal his heart, he move and starts his collage life in the kaed architecture collage and finally find himself falling in love (with his 1st sight) with the typical Malay beauty of his hostel neighbor, Erra Fazira (maimai elyas).But only later, his first love, Xiao Feng (Wafa Hassan) happen to study in the same school in Malaysia but with a new Islamic identity and hijab(tudung).What will the confused Gong Chan do?and who will finally be the true love of Gong Chan?Find out on MY GIRL!
When Gong Chan (Lee Dong Wook), the only descendent of the leading Korean company happen to fail in his first love and decided to give up falling in love with any Chinese look(sepet) girl anymore. To heal his heart, he move and starts his collage life in the kaed architecture collage and finally find himself falling in love (with his 1st sight) with the typical Malay beauty of his hostel neighbor, Erra Fazira (maimai elyas).But only later, his first love, Xiao Feng (Wafa Hassan) happen to study in the same school in Malaysia but with a new Islamic identity and hijab(tudung).What will the confused Gong Chan do?and who will finally be the true love of Gong Chan?Find out on MY GIRL!
super FUN right!;)
New world ,new medium!life for fun
Fans especially cant wait. Surprisingly, the news of Hanna Safii and Lee Joon mblaq heard again in the local English wedding magazine "the groom and bride".Lee Joon mblaq is getting married? The magazine feature their intentions of moving more than friends and the plan for further relationship.
He proposed her?Not so sure of the truth of this but it have been featured in the magazine cutting as below.However, the news are still in wait of response. Some news mention the "proposal" as for a scene of the movie (athena 2).However, if it is true for the love of Lee Joon mblaq and Hanna Safii, we fans pray for a happy life together. Difference of culture will surely be a challenge but a strong love will make it last!Congratulations.
He proposed her?Not so sure of the truth of this but it have been featured in the magazine cutting as below.However, the news are still in wait of response. Some news mention the "proposal" as for a scene of the movie (athena 2).However, if it is true for the love of Lee Joon mblaq and Hanna Safii, we fans pray for a happy life together. Difference of culture will surely be a challenge but a strong love will make it last!Congratulations.
![]() |
Lee Joon mblaq |
**life is for fun:) They sure look cute together!:) if only its for real;)
its all for fun and are not reliable.
its all for fun and are not reliable.
I wish!
Hi!i am a typical architecture student live a typical architecture repeats every single day.
Staring at the pc as if i've never seen one,moves my head together with the mouse as if i can see more if i did that,owns a pair of huge panda eyes , forgotten the date and time, mistaken body soap for shampoo and most of the time,forget that human can be hungry too.POor body. I'm using all my life working ration now! some times i need rest too.So i watched movies!Especially korean movies!addictive sometimes.It makes you want to live the life of the leading character.Simply charismatic. An ugly heroin(whom most of the time, is not ugly at all) whom have nothing in life but beautiful heart.Meeting most of the time a perfect man (or sometimes 2 in a time) fighting for her love.Perfect character,amusing story line.That will be enough to stop me from sleeping after a whole day working!!For some tiny reason, it makes a small part of you believe it could happen in started to wish that one day i could own such a beautiful story line in my own life!
Ah!but it stops there!After all the wishes and hope.It doesn't go any now that i've written this out it makes me feel pathetic. hehe.
So why watch movies or dramas when you could use the time to make your own drama!meet your own perfect hero!
nahh!but that is a way harder!Seldom in life that such a perfect good looking rich young man could fall for such a girl!So we keep our wishes to our selfs!Any way!beautiful dreams keeps us happy!
so ppl!do what ever you love the most!using the same amount of time doing things that you love gives a whole lot different compared to doing things that you hate~
or in other word,its easy when you want to do but its hard when you have to do.
uh~i;m getting massed up with my own points.any way!thats about it!So like us whom knew photoshop some times over enjoyed superimposing picture of the korean idols to be next to our pictures more than our own works!hehe.but what ever it is,in what ever method, just live your life as you wish!do things that yo would love the most!do it because you want it!
Staring at the pc as if i've never seen one,moves my head together with the mouse as if i can see more if i did that,owns a pair of huge panda eyes , forgotten the date and time, mistaken body soap for shampoo and most of the time,forget that human can be hungry too.POor body. I'm using all my life working ration now! some times i need rest too.So i watched movies!Especially korean movies!addictive sometimes.It makes you want to live the life of the leading character.Simply charismatic. An ugly heroin(whom most of the time, is not ugly at all) whom have nothing in life but beautiful heart.Meeting most of the time a perfect man (or sometimes 2 in a time) fighting for her love.Perfect character,amusing story line.That will be enough to stop me from sleeping after a whole day working!!For some tiny reason, it makes a small part of you believe it could happen in started to wish that one day i could own such a beautiful story line in my own life!
Ah!but it stops there!After all the wishes and hope.It doesn't go any now that i've written this out it makes me feel pathetic. hehe.
So why watch movies or dramas when you could use the time to make your own drama!meet your own perfect hero!
nahh!but that is a way harder!Seldom in life that such a perfect good looking rich young man could fall for such a girl!So we keep our wishes to our selfs!Any way!beautiful dreams keeps us happy!
so ppl!do what ever you love the most!using the same amount of time doing things that you love gives a whole lot different compared to doing things that you hate~
or in other word,its easy when you want to do but its hard when you have to do.
uh~i;m getting massed up with my own points.any way!thats about it!So like us whom knew photoshop some times over enjoyed superimposing picture of the korean idols to be next to our pictures more than our own works!hehe.but what ever it is,in what ever method, just live your life as you wish!do things that yo would love the most!do it because you want it!
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