Friday, April 22, 2011

When you get your self devoted to architecture

its holiday for me here but i'm practically caging my self in my room doing some office work!i guess i'll need to get my self a soho to work in oneday!well..its my 1st time working but its hopelessly changing my life style.It makes me feel like working harder(well i dont usually work hard before) can i say i'm falling in love now?hmm..?
i think so?maybe~it feels like falling in love but with architecture?O.O! WOW!!thats new!
i'm hopelessly get my self devoted to it..i cant wait to go back home after hangouts just to do my work again and it feels like a marriage now..i'm so tied to it!!i know i'm not good in architecture but theres something in me telling me not to stop and never say never(wow...i'll be like the 2nd JB now..ahahha)...and its like giving birth to a baby..i cant wait to see these projects grow and get to be developed!wow wow wowwwww!!
this will be amusing! its funny when such a tiny project like this guard house(which i have to design) for this luxury residential development makes me feel just GREAT! doing it!(even when its a smallproject!)
i started to imagine how its gonna look like later when its built and how people will love it(hopefully!!) and when its rain and people will run to it to shade!uHHHH!!!i'm loving this feeling!so architecture!i'll be a better man just to be with u!!its fun to know you!

**These are some pics of the guard house illustration i've been working on for my practical with the use of skechup  with some add on from Photoshop(which i'm new in and learning!) for my guard house which i've been working on these few days...its a modern design guard house..yup!thats it!
many more to learn!i hope to learn more and faster soon!

tampah muka pa..kikikiki..suke tak suke tak?ehehehehe!;)

OH people!please tell me!does it look ok??HELP!


  1. erm..did i look wrong or memang ibu ada kat dlm tat picture?wif tataw mamat arab mana??hik3..X).n bdak blakang tuh nampak cam 1st comment!whooohoooo..X)

  2. AHHAHA!!!aah!its ibu n cha and if u notice,theres hana too!hehehe!n some super star(not sure who they are)but i crop the somewhere in the superstar magazine..ekekekek..(including the one laughing with ibu)syifa nak jugak?

  3. oh!wht do you think?!honest comment!;)

  4. ahakz...asal syg sgt kat hanna??huh??ok je..apa masalah nyer?rumah dia quite lawa..X)

  5. ahahah!ni yg dulu dia suroh crop2 tu..mairah guna balik je..x de mase nk crop yg baru..hehehe!is that an honest comment?cantik ke pondok pak gad tu?harap2 cikgu(supervisor from office) likes it!apa2 yg patut ubah ataw nampak x kena?

