Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I wish!

Hi!i am a typical architecture student live a typical architecture life.bore.life repeats every single day.
Staring at the pc  as if i've never seen one,moves my head together with the mouse as if i can see more if i did that,owns a pair of huge panda eyes , forgotten the date and time, mistaken body soap for shampoo and most of the time,forget that human can be hungry too.POor body. I'm using all my life working ration now!

Uhh...so some times i need rest too.So i watched movies!Especially korean movies!addictive sometimes.It makes you want to live the life of the leading character.Simply charismatic. An ugly heroin(whom most of the time, is not ugly at all) whom have nothing in life but beautiful heart.Meeting most of the time a perfect man (or sometimes 2 in a time) fighting for her love.Perfect character,amusing story line.That will be enough to stop me from sleeping after a whole day working!!For some tiny reason, it makes a small part of you believe it could happen in life..so started to wish that one day i could own such a beautiful story line in my own life!

Ah!but it stops there!After all the wishes and hope.It doesn't go any further.wow..only now that i've written this out it makes me feel pathetic. hehe.
So why watch movies or dramas when you could use the time to make your own drama!meet your own perfect hero!
nahh!but that is a way harder!Seldom in life that such a perfect good looking rich young man could fall for such a girl!So we keep our wishes to our selfs!Any way!beautiful dreams keeps us happy!
so ppl!do what ever you love the most!using the same amount of time doing things that you love gives a whole lot different compared to doing things that you hate~
or in other word,its easy when you want to do but its hard when you have to do.
uh~i;m getting massed up with my own points.any way!thats about it!So like us whom knew photoshop some times over enjoyed superimposing picture of the korean idols to be next to our pictures more than our own works!hehe.but what ever it is,in what ever method, just live your life as you wish!do things that yo would love the most!do it because you want it!

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