just to share..:)

I don’t understand why it took me a long time to realize, but women ARE complicated!
like when a woman Complains that her feet hurts but she keep on wearing those sexy 5-inch heels that she can barely walk in every single day?or "go and get married to her instead if you think shes better"(when she doesn't mean it?-just because she is angry?)WOW! Women are amazingly puzzling!
Say, 20 years might have been enough to make a man understand perhaps a complicated chemical formula, invent the grates thing on earth, control the world whole universe but surprisingly not even to understand a woman’s tiny thought, feeling or wish hidden in her tiny heart? And it makes me wonder why?!Is that because man gave too little attention to women’s feeling? Or does it women whom always have the wrong expression to their feelings? This is something that I personally doubt. Now I guess I know why people associate women to weather; women are like weather! They are definitely unpredictable! When it rains, nobody knows when it will stop. But eventually the sun shines that you can feel the warmth, everything seems just fine.
Women always have the opposite expression to their real feelings. I mean REAL feelings! Maybe it doesn’t apply to all, some girls may be bold in their expression but did you realize that women always hide some part of her true feeling within herself? Let just take a situation. Well, you know when a man ask a woman he loves not to where short skirts or any exposing outfit for outing and she will ask him not to control her but she actually likes it that she feel protected? and when a man gave his wife a bouquet of flowers for no concrete reason after he came back from office and she will brag endlessly about being childish or wasting but she actually screaming of happiness inside her heart like she’s going to burst that she feel loved and appreciated? And man, in the other hand, gets a signal of “don’t do it again”? AHA!! THAN! After years of relationship later, she’ll brag about how he used to be and now she feels depreciated?
Again women always say “ITS OK” when it’s not for them! This is a bad signal woman often give as a sign of “I will try to understand your situation?”I have a friend complaining of how much she wish to have a couple ring or some cute teddy bear gift from her boyfriend but he told her that he doesn’t have the budget and when she says “it’s ok” is as if she meant “I don’t want it any more”?. He doesn’t even bother to make effort. Some times its doesn’t have to be a BIG or EXPENSIVE things but rather some item that can make her remember him through it or a symbol or their love?just to have a sign that she meant something to him.
Woman is just a woman, no matter how old she is, how educated she would be or where she is from, from whatever background, generally women feels the best when they are cared, respected , protected and appreciated by the man she love. After a whole day tiresome working to earn as much as her man, doing all the house work, take care of the children ,cook and everything, with one “thank you” from him would make all the fatigue disappeared immediately like magic!
and when she talks as if she’ll never stop, just listen to her even when you fell really tired or even when you find it boring, entertain her, listen to what she have to say, you don’t even have to respond back or argue or give your opinion, because some times when she talk, she just need a listener to share what she did for the day and share how she felt because when a woman shares a lot with a man, he would mean a lot to her. So be happy for that and let the woman do the talking!
One other fact that man does not usually get it , is , man can never win again women by force.NEVER. Women are funny, the harder you get on women, the herder you’ll find to Handel them. You shout, they will shout even harder! So you can stop arguing with woman for any fact. When you make them hurt, stop wasting all your energy to make you look right. Just tell her you are sorry and things will be just fine. But don’t you ever use it as a ticket to do mistakes! You might break their trust.After all,
soft words are hard arguments!
-Thomas Fuller
soft words are hard arguments!
-Thomas Fuller
You might be surprise to find the Biggest, MASCULINE, STRONG ever woman you might have ever met own a tender heart as fragile as all the other girls out there! It is a matter of fact either or not to reveal their true feelings to you. Good day!
some how this sounds like someone i knew