Friday, May 27, 2011

Santai Restaurant TTDI BAD food service


Keep in mind that, the customer, is always right!
This is not our first time to Santai restaurant TTDI and in fact, we ARE a GERULAR customer!
 And this time it’s the worst mistake Santai may have made and this have definitely bring a strong perception to us whenever we mention Santai.
We went for lunch at 1. It’s a wrong timing for them to make this mistake especially when we don’t even have our breakfast yet! Hungry people get angry easily!
We waited until 1.35 now...more than half an hour, we ordered meehoon soup and keitiaw goring assuming it will be the fastest .from an empty restaurant to full, even people who came later gets their food ,we starts wondering. why is the service too slow? We never even demand to be treated better as a regular customer, but at least treat us fairly. When we asked the waitress either pretend they don’t see or node pretend to ask something in the kitchen but no action really taken! What is up with this? did they lost the order sheet?
OK. Fair enough if they could have apologized and make it soon but not even a word to show they are sorry. In fact, they respond back that pririority should be given to those whom ordered dish with rise? Santai restaurant and management, I am very-very disappointed with you. Please improve your service if you don’t wish to lose more regular customer like us. Learn well to apologize to keep them with you. Thank you.

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